Resources and Webinars

Hoot Host is here to make business owners wiser about building their online presence! In our free resources we share important information about building websites, website maintenance and management, marketing strategies, optimization, and more!

Watch our most recent webinar here, browse our free resources and webinars below, and be sure to subscribe on YouTube!

Find Online Success with WordPress – Alignable Education Webinar

Join Christopher Carbaugh, founder of Hoot Host, exploring the #1 rated website platform in the world - WordPress! We…

Popular Website Platforms – Alignable Education Webinar

Alignable Education hosted a webinar featuring Hoot Host founder Christopher Carbaugh exploring the capabilities and…

Website Hosting Essentials – Alignable Education Webinar

Watch recap videos from our recent Alignable Education webinar exploring website hosting standards and technical…

Website Design Essentials – Alignable Education Webinar

Christopher Carbaugh, founder of Hoot Host, hosted an Alignable Education webinar exploring modern design standards and…

Hoot Host: Proudly Ranked #1 on Alignable

We're excited to announce that we've risen to the top spot as the number one rated website provider on the Alignable…

Tips To Unlock Your Websites Full Potential – Alignable Education Webinar

Watch our recent webinar with Alignable Education discussing website maintenance and management!…

Hoot Host on Alignable

Supporting Businesses on Alignable

This is a great case study example of the businesses we have been meeting and helping on Alignable since we joined only…